
رسالة المدير العام التنفيذي

"بصفتي المدير العام التنفيذي لمنشأة الرعاية الصحية هذه، فأنني ملتزم بتقديم رعاية ذو جودة عالية تتمحور حول المريض. يشارك فريقنا من المتخصصين في الرعاية الصحية هذا الالتزام، ويعملون بلا كلل لتقديم خدمات استثنائية. ونقدر التعاون، والابتكار، والعمل الجماعي، ونسعى جاهدين لخلق بيئة عمل داعمة لموظفينا. إذا كنتم تشاركون شغفنا بالرعاية الصحية، ندعوكم الى الانضمام الينا في إحداث تغيير في حياة مرضانا."

مدير عام التشغيل الشئون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني

تعتبر القوى العاملة في الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني أثمن مكاسب المنشأة. وهي تقدير للخبرة المتميزة والجهد والعمل الجاد للموظف الذي يساهم في نجاحه المستمر. وينعكس هذا في التزام المنشأة بإيجاد عملية توظيف واضحة وقائمة على التقنية لجذب و الاحتفاظ بأفضل المواهب في المجال.

بنفس الطريقة التي تركز فيها الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني على رعاية المرضى، فهي تلتزم بتقديم أعلى مستويات خدمات الرعاية الصحية للمرضى كما ينعكس من خلال التوسعات والابتكارات وخدمات الرعاية الصحية المتخصصة على مستوى المملكة.

في هذه الرحلة المتمثلة في القوى العاملة والتميز في رعاية المرضى، يبدأ البحث عن الأشخاص المناسبين الذين يتشاركون هذه القيم المتماثلة والمتحمسين والملتزمين بإحداث فرق في حياة المرضى بعملية توظيف فعالة.

وبصفتي مدير عام التشغيل، فقد استثمرت شخصيًا لضمان أن تتسم عملية التوظيف بالكفاءة والفعالية والشفافية والإنصاف. بإمكانك ان تتوقع تواصلاً فعال، والإفادة بالرد في الوقت المحدد وتأكيد على أن كل مرشح لديه فرصة متساوية للنجاح. تستخدم المنشأة أحدث التقنيات لتبسيط هذه العمليات والتأكد من أننا نتخذ قرارات تعتمد على البيانات لاختيار أفضل المرشحين للفريق.

إذا كنت فردًا مجتهداً ومؤهلًا متحمساً لإحداث فرق في مجال الرعاية الصحية، وكنت مهتمًا بالعمل مع موظفين موهوبين ورائعين في الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني، فأنا أدعوك للتقدم بطلب للحصول على فرص عمل مختلفة.بإنتظار ردك ومعرفة المزيد حول كيفية مساعدة المنشأة في تحقيق مهمتها.


رسالة المدير العام

"نؤمن في الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني ان موظفينا هم مكسبنا الأكبر. كما نلتزم بجذب وتطوير واستبقاء أفضل المواهب من خلفيات متنوعة تشاركنا مبادئ التميز والعمل الجماعي وخدمة العملاء. تم تصميم عملية التوظيف الخاصة بنا لتحديد أفضل المرشحين لكل وظيفة، وتقديم تجربة مرشح متميزة، ابتداء من التقديم للوظيفة حتى نهاية المقابلة. ونحن نفتخر بسجلنا الحافل بالنجاح في بناء قوة عاملة متنوعة وقوية وملتزمين بالتحسين المستمر لضمان بقائنا رواداً في إدارة المواهب. انضموا الينا وكونوا جزء من فريق ملتزم بالتميز في كل ما يقوم به."

كن جزأً من إرث الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني

تؤمن الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني بقدرات ومهارات وإمكا نيات كل فرد -القوة العاملة التي تبني وتعمل كأساس متينلمنشأة الرعاية الصحية هذه. إن تحقيق الوظيفة التي تحلم بها لأمر مهم جداً للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني, نظراً لأن المنشأة تساعدك على تحقيق أهدا فك, فإن مستقبلاً مشرقنًا ينتظرك أيضًا. إن فرص العمل والتطوير المهني والتعلم المستمر ستقدم لك لتحقق أعلى إمكا نا تك-فرد شامل جاهز لاستكشاف عالم المهنيين! وبالتالي, عندما تدخل مرحلة جديدة من حيا تك المهنية, من المهم للغاية أن تختار الانتماء إلى واحدة من أفضل منشآت الرعاية الصحية في المملكة, وقبل كل شيء, يعد التعويض الذي يتساوى مع السوق العالمية لأمر مرض للغاية لمساعدتك على التعامل مع المتطلبات العالمية.


مهمتنا هي بناء قوة عاملة متنوعة وشاملة من المهنيين ذوي المهارات العالية الملتزمين برعاية استثنائية للمرضى ، من خلال عملية توظيف مبسطة وفعالة تضمن الجودة وتخلق تجربة مرشح إيجابية. نحن نعزز ثقافة التحسين المستمر من خلال التقييم المنتظم والتغذية الراجعة.


لجذب أفضل المواهب في مجال الرعاية الصحية وتوظيفهم والاحتفاظ بهم من خلال عملية توظيف سلسة وشفافة تستفيد من التكنولوجيا وتخلق تجربة رائعة لجميع أصحاب المصلحة.

كن جزأً من إرث الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني

تؤمن الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني بقدرات ومهارات وإمكانيات كل فرد -القوة العاملة التي تبني وتعمل كأساس متين لمنشأة الرعاية الصحية هذه.

إن تحقيق الوظيفة التي تحلم بها لأمر مهم جداً للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني، نظراً لأن المنشأة تساعدك على تحقيق أهدافك، فإن مستقبلًا مشرقًا ينتظرك أيضًا. إن فرص العمل والتطوير المهني والتعلم المستمر ستقدم لك لتحقق أعلى إمكاناتك -فرد شامل جاهز لاستكشاف عالم المهنيين!

وبالتالي، عندما تدخل مرحلة جديدة من حياتك المهنية، من المهم للغاية أن تختار الانتماء إلى واحدة من أفضل منشآت الرعاية الصحية في المملكة، وقبل كل شيء، يعد التعويض الذي يتساوى مع السوق العالمية لأمر مرض للغاية لمساعدتك على التعامل مع المتطلبات العالمية.

ولكي تبدأ حياة مهنية واعدة، تقدم بطلبك الآن وانضم إلى واحدة من أكثر منشآت الرعاية الصحية انفتاحا وتقدما وتنافسية على مستوى العالم في المملكة!

تقر الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني بحقيقة أن القوى العاملة هي قوتها الرئيسية –الركيزة الأساسية التي يعتمد عليها النجاح والتقدم المستمر للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني بشكل كبير، حيث تدركالإدارة العامة للموارد البشرية بوضوح قيمة جوهر البرنامج، وعليه، فإنها تهيئ وتؤكد باستمرار أن التطوير الوظيفي المستمر لمهاراتهم ومعارفهم سيكون ذو أهمية كبرى.


ضمن قبل إدارة التدريب التا بعة للإدارة العامة يتم وضع برا مج تدريبية مختلفة ض للموارد البشرية, والهدف الأساسي هو زيادة المهارات اللازمة للموظفين حتى تتمكن الجهات المعنية في البرنا مج من تقديم خدمات أ فل و أكثر كفاءة لعملائه.

البرامج التدريبية

يصور التدريب مسارًا وظيفيًا متطورًا بين موظفي الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني، وقد تم إعداده لقيادة تطورهم المهني من خلال تزويدهم بمجموعة واسعة من البرامج المطلوبة في مجالات تخصصهم. فالبرامج التدريبية هذه، بالتعاون مع الجهات المعنية -الإدارات المختلفة التي تشكل الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني، ستوفر بالتأكيد تعزيز المهارات والخبرة.

نهتم بالآخرين

تدعم منشأة الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني رفاهية وتطوير موظفيها بالكامل للتقدم في مهنتهم، وفي هذا الصدد، يركز التدريب فقط على كيفية تزويد الموظفين بأفضل البرامج، بحيث تستفيد المنشأة وعملائها في النهاية بشكل إيجابي من وجود قوة عاملة مجهزة تجهيزًا عاليًا تعمل بفعالية في مجالاتهم وتخصصهم، حيث تؤمن الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني في المقام الأول بأن الأشخاص الذين يتم تقديرهم يحققون نتائج إيجابية ويساهمون في نجاح المنشأة.

فلسفة التعويضات للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني

تم تصميم برنامج التعويضات للشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني بشكل استراتيجي لجذب المرشحين المؤهلين تأهيلاً عالياً ليصبحوا جزءًا من القوى العاملة التقدمية والمختصة، كما يهدف إلى تحفيز واستبقاء الموظفين المهرة والملتزمين الذين تعتمد عليهم المنشأة بشكل كبير من أجل تحقيق رؤية ورسالة وزارة الحرس الوطني. تضمن الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني تنافسية وتوافق هيكل الأجور مع اللوائح الحكومية، حيث تتم إدارة أي تعديلات وفقا للمبادئ التوجيهية المحددة ومن ثم مشاركتها مع الموظفين بوضوح.

إن العمل في الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني يتجاوز الراتب الأساسي الذي يتقاضاه الموظفين بشكل منتظم، حيث تلتزم منشاتنا وبما يتماشى مع اللوائح الحكومية ذات الصلة بتقديم حزم تعويضات تنافسية ومنصفة تشمل المزايا والخدمات والبرامج لكل من المرشحين والموظفين، على النحو التالي:

السكن والإقامة

مزايا الرعاية الطبية

مزايا استحقاقات الوضع العائلي

الإجازة المدفوعة

مزايا منتصف العام

مكافأة إعادة التعاقد

بدل التكليف

بدل التخصص

بدل طبيعة عمل

خدمات النقل

برنامج العلاوة السنوية

برنامج التقدم الوظيفي

برنامج تطوير الكوادر السعودية

البرامج التدريبيّة

برنامج التعليم المهني المستمر

برنامج تقدير الموظف

برامج البعثات الدراسية، والإقامة الطبية

برنامج الأنشطة الترفيهية

برنامج نادي الموظفين الاجتماعي

كما يقدم نادي الموظفين الاجتماعي لأعضائه خصومات وعروض للسلع والخدمات من الفنادق والمطاعم ومراكز التسوق وغيرها الكثير.

تنويه: لم يتم إدراج جميع البدلات/المزايا التي تقدمها الشؤون الصحية بوزارة الحرس الوطني أعلاه، بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يجب استيفاء متطلبات الأهلية الخاصة وفقًا لمجموعة المزايا، حسب الاقتضاء، من أجل التأهل للحصول على المزايا والخدمات والبرامج المذكورة أعلاه،

الوظائف المتوفرة


Clinical Coding Specialist

- Review inpatient clinical information, diagnostic terms and procedural descriptions, and assign accurate numeric codes for each diagnosis and procedure using official ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS guidelines. Apply knowledge of medical terminology, disease process and pharmacology. - Complete clinical abstract (computerized file) that summarize the following patient information: demographics, admission diagnosis, final diagnoses, procedures, physician information and other information as deemed pertinent by the facility. • Utilize technical coding principals and AR-DRG reimbursement expertise to assign appropriate ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS diagnoses and procedures. - Perform data quality reviews on patient records to validate ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS code assignment, appropriateness, missed secondary diagnoses and procedures, and ensure compliance with the Health Information Management (HIM) coding guidelines. Demonstrate tested data quality and integrity skills. - Continuously evaluate the quality of clinical documentation to spot incomplete or inconsistent documentations for inpatient encounters that impact the code selection. Bring identified concerns to physicians/ residents/ supervisor for diagnosis/procedural clarification. - Participate in training of facility healthcare professionals in use of coding guidelines and practices, proper documentation techniques, medical terminology and disease process appropriate to the job description and functions as it relates to clinical data quality management. Maintain knowledge of current professionals coding certification requirements, responsible for certification maintenance. - Abide by the Standard of Ethical Coding as set forth by the Australian Health Information Management Association (HIMAA) and adhere to official Australian Coding Standards. - Keep abreast of new technology in coding and abstracting software and other forms of automation and issues, which impacts, coding functions. - Demonstrate competency in the use of computer applications and all coding and abstracting software and hardware currently used within the organization. - Participate in quarterly coding evaluation to identify volume, accuracy, and additional training needs as identified. - Provide reports on a regular basis and as directed by the respective Supervisor of the operations and progress of the Data Management processes. - Perform other job related duties as required.


دوام كامل


Information Technology Assistant

• Install, repair and maintain hardware and software applications. Use schematic or manufacturer’s instructions and manuals to diagnose and make repairs. • Assist in utilization review of computer hardware and software. Install and maintain network and communication equipment. Develop a sound knowledge of hospital standard personal computer application’s software. • Install and maintain Microsoft Office and other PC based applications. Maintain an up to date documentation related to work activities. • Carry out administrative IT related tasks as indicated and perform comprehensive administrative and secretarial duties. Act as a coordinator for assigned IT tasks, ITsupport requests, and other related duties including database and filing system maintenance for all It projects. • Perform computer asset management and tracking. Perform IT technical support duties either on-site, remote and Primary Healthcare Clinics (PHC), as the need arises. • Monitor all projects of the department related to manage engine, E-CTS, IT report, IT projects and other related IT documentation as required. • Provide support to any IT go-live, User Acceptance Training (UAT) and related IT events. • Coordinate IT meeting requests and appointments from internal and external clients. Respond to any user’s query, request and support needed. • Ensure that all work is performed in compliance with the organization safety regulations, standards and policies and procedures.• Perform other job related duties.


دوام كامل


Administrator Systems

• Assist to install new/rebuild and maintain operating systems and related software in serves, Configure hardware, peripherals, services, settings, directories, storage, etc. in accordance with standards and project/operational requirements. • Develop and maintain installation and configuration procedures. Design, codes, test and implement corrective actions. • Assure systems reliability, availability and security. Perform regular system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key processes, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups. • Assist users on the use of all maintained software. Provide support per request form various users. Investigate and troubleshoots issues. • Assist operations staff with operating and monitoring systems. • Train others on systems use and management. In conjunction with other areas/team, prepare easy to follow, concise instructional materials users on system usage. • Assist in maintain current information on operating system and related software. • Maintain an up-to-date documentation of related work activities. • Research and recommend to management on trends in technology to assist in selection of systems software and hardware. Perform subspecialty functions based on assigned department’s current IT requirements.• Perform other job related duties.


دوام كامل


Senior Computer Operator

• Start the operating system, ensure that both computer systems and hardware are in good working order at all times and monitor performance. • Operate peripheral equipment. Report faulty equipment. • Monitor production jobs and report failures. • Input data as required to maintain production schedules. • Adjust the configuration of the operating system as required by production and testing schedulers. • Maintain logs of work processed. • Review production schedules and assign personnel. • Assist other sections on day-to-day activities. • Maintain an up-to-date documentation related to work activities. • Troubleshoot of Information Technology (IT) equipment. • Follow all prescribed safety procedures.• Perform other job related duties.


دوام كامل


Senior Network Specialist

• Plan, design, implement, configure, monitor, upgrade, maintain, optimize wireless system, (controllers, access points, prime infrastructure, mobility, wIPS, QoS, integration). Design, plan, size, and collect the business requirements for a new sites and buildings. • Provide strong advanced level wireless network engineering, management and support for the team. Troubleshoot infrastructure that related to the wireless to work. Build and configure and monitor through Cisco Prime infrastructure on a daily basis. • Troubleshoot network and wireless issues in the campus and remote sites. Troubleshoot network and wireless point to point issues in the campus and remote sites. Design floor plans for new sites using Ekahau site survey tools and generate reports. • Involve with the network security team to ensure the highest security in the wireless environment. Ensure high availability of some buildings by using a wireless point to point links as a backup. Configure and monitor MSE CAS and CMX. • Monitor and track the security threats and attacks using MSE WIPs. Maintain Wireless Network Documentation. Perform End User Complex troubleshooting. • Stay abreast of new technology offerings and best practices in the WIFI space, and use this knowledge to introduce enhancements to UoD wireless network to drive business productivity. • Plan, design, implement, configure, monitor, upgrade, maintain, optimize Network Infrastructure (Swishes, Routes, Core, Nexus 9000 Switches, Cisco ACI, SD-Access). • Work directly with the business need and technical staff to gather technical requirements needed to design and implement LAN WAN communication systems. • Configure and install software, servers, routers and other network devices. Monitor, run and maintain the Network infrastructure services. This includes but not limited to: networks, servers, systems, disaster recovery, etc. • Work with the systems team to troubleshoot, diagnose, and remediate customer application issues. Deal with escalated network support issues. Monitor network performance and integrity.• Perform other job related duties.


دوام كامل


Pediatric Radiology Consultant

MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:  PRINCIPLE DUTIES: - Actively participates in QI activities. - Provides input to the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head of Pediatric Radiology. - Serves on Committees as appointed by the Section Head of Pediatric Radiology, Chairman of Medical Imaging Department, or Hospital Director. - Reports any violations of the rules and regulations of the Department to the Chairman. - In addition to his/her duties as Consultant, he/she shall be accountable to the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head of Pediatric Radiology for fulfilling his/her responsibilities. - Ensures that he/she maintains high medical ethical standards in the practice of Pediatric Radiology. - Performs administrative tasks set by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head of Pediatric Radiology. - Ensures that practices meet standards set by JCIA. - Participates in education and in formal education programs of the Hospital. - Engages in clinical reviews, clinical research and other scholarly pursuits. - Participates in Medical Imaging practices as determined by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head. - Reporting of imaging for inclusion in patient records. - Conferring with other departments on the interpretation of all modalities of Pediatric Radiology findings and assisting in determining the nature and extent of necessary treatment. - Share emergency calls with other radiologists. - Carry out on-call as required by the department. - Should seek to advance knowledge and practice of radiological imaging by facilitating research and development in their domain. Should actively participate in planning research projects, securing funding, utilize the existing infrastructure for obtaining funds and resources and publishing research. Should devote energy to seeking partners for research funding. Should divert more energy in auditing their own work and the work of their department and introduce evidence-based practice. - Invest in training residents and fellows, audit their work, encourage them to produce research work and publication but also to educate the public, i.e. patients through explanatory leaflets informing them the importance of imaging and raising the profile of imaging department. CLINICAL DUTIES: - Performs diagnostic or therapeutic interventions for which specific privileges have been granted based on experience and skills. - Ensures that he/she maintains high medical understanding and ethical standards in the practice of Pediatric Radiology. - Performs administrative tasks set by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head. - Ensures that practices meet standards set by JCIA. - Participates in education and in formal education programs of the Hospital. - Engages in clinical reviews, clinical research and other scholarly pursuits. - Participates in Medical Imaging practices as determined by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head. - Reporting of other specialties imaging/procedures for inclusion in patient records whenever is required. - Conferring with other departments on the interpretation of Pediatric Imaging findings and assisting in determining the nature and extent of necessary treatment. - Share emergency calls with other radiologists. - Carry out on-call as required by the department. - Should seek to advance knowledge and practice of radiological imaging by facilitating research and development in their domain, Should actively participate in planning research projects, securing funding, utilize the existing infrastructure for obtaining funds and resources and publishing research. Should devote energy to seeking partners for research funding. Should divert more energy in auditing their own work and the work of their department and introduce evidence-based practice. - Invest in training residents and fellows, audit their work, encourage them to produce research work and publication but also to educate the public, i.e. patients through explanatory leaflets informing them the importance of imaging and raising the profile of imaging department. EDUCATION: Basic Medical degree recognized by the Saudi Medical Council (e.g. MBBS, MD) and postgraduate qualification such as board certified or board eligible or equivalent is desirable. EXPERIENCE: The terms of reference for Associate Consultant are to mandate the successful completion of Arab Boards, Saudi Boards, or acceptable equivalent before this appointment is ratified.  



Senior SOC Specialist

• Participate in the operation of Security Operations Center (SOC) daily activities including incident escalation & response • Oversee networking protocols, popular Operating Systems and Databases. Oversee common attack methods and exploitation techniques, along with the detection and remediation strategies • Develop IT security monitoring process, procedures and health checks. Monitor real-time security logs, systems and monitors networks/infrastructures security. Operate security monitoring systems & tools. • Perform analysis and security incidents handling. Protect users and systems from security threats such as viruses, spams and phishing. Implements preventive maintenance for security devices, systems and proactively monitors security logs on systems. • Handle SLA, maintains & supports contract renewal. Operate and monitor organization-wide security operations in addition to security change and configuration management. Provide an early warning when security problems occur within the IT environment. • Perform operations, maintenance, administration of all security systems in line with defined policies and procedures. Monitor and inspect the day-to-day security operations, people, tools, processes, and measurement methods needed to achieve security operation objectives. Maintain an up-to-date documentation of related work activities. • Research and recommend to management on trends in technology to assist in selection of systems software and hardware. Perform subspecialty functions based on assigned department’s current IT requirements.• Perform other job related duties.


دوام كامل


Consultant Pediatric Interventional Radiology

MAIN DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: PRINCIPLE DUTIES: - In addition to his duties as Consultant, he/she shall be accountable to the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head of Pediatric Interventional Radiology for fulfilling his/her responsibilities. - Actively participates in QI activities. - Provides input to the Section Head and Chairman of Medical Imaging. - Serves on Committees as appointed by the Chairman of Medical Imaging or the Hospital Director or Section Head. - Reports any violations of the rules and regulations of the Department to the Chairman or Section Head. - Attain and maintain competency in the field of Pediatric Interventional Radiology Imaging including performance and interpretation of all modalities of Pediatric Interventional Radiology Imaging. - Ensures that he/she maintains high medical ethical standards in the practice. - Performs administrative tasks set by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and the Section Head. - Ensures that practices meet standards set by JCIA and CABAHI. - Participates in education and in formal education programs of the Hospital. - Engages in clinical reviews, clinical research and other scholarly pursuits. - Participates in Medical Imaging practices as determined by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head. - Reporting of imaging for inclusion in patient records. - Conferring with other departments on the interpretation of all modalities of Pediatric Interventional Radiology Imaging findings and assisting in determining the nature and extent of necessary treatment. - Share emergency calls with other radiologists. - Carry out on-call as required by the department. - Should seek to advance knowledge and practice of radiological imaging by facilitating research and development in their domain. Should actively participate in planning research projects, securing funding, utilize the existing infrastructure for obtaining funds and resources and publishing research. Should devote energy to seeking partners for research funding. Should divert more energy in auditing their own work and the work of their department and introduce evidence-based practice. - Invest in training residents and fellows, audit their work, encourage them to produce research work and publication but also to educate the public, i.e. patients through explanatory leaflets informing them the importance of imaging and raising the profile of imaging department. CLINICAL DUTIES: - Performs diagnostic or therapeutic interventions for which specific privileges have been granted based on experience and skills. - Ensures that he/she maintains high medical understanding and ethical standards in the practice of Pediatric Interventional Radiology Imaging. - Performs administrative tasks set by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and the Section Head. - Ensures that practices meet standards set by JCIA and CABAHI. - Participates in education and in formal education programs of the Hospital. - Engages in clinical reviews, clinical research and other scholarly pursuits. - Participates in Medical Imaging practices as determined by the Chairman of Medical Imaging and Section Head. - Reporting of imaging for inclusion in patient records. - Conferring with other departments on the interpretation of all modalities of body imaging findings and assisting in determining the nature and extent of necessary treatment. - Share emergency calls with other radiologists. - Carry out on-call as required by the department. - Should seek to advance knowledge and practice of radiological imaging by facilitating research and development in their domain. Should actively participate in planning research projects, securing funding, utilize the existing infrastructure for obtaining funds and resources and publishing research. Should devote energy to seeking partners for research funding. Should divert more energy in auditing their own work and the work of their department and introduce evidence-based practice. - Invest in training residents and fellows, audit their work, encourage them to produce research work and publication but also to educate the public, i.e. patients through explanatory leaflets informing them the importance of imaging and raising the profile of imaging department. EDUCATION: Essential educational requirements include a basic medical degree, radiology board certification, and Pediatric Interventional Radiology Imaging Fellowship certification recognized by the Saudi Medical Council (e.g. MBBS, ABR). EXPERIENCE: He/She must have at least 5 years' experience after being certified by a speciality board.  



Web Content Coordinator

• Maintain and organize web content proposals while applying the review and approval processes in collaborationwith all involved stakeholders.• Review the material submitted for electronic publication to ensure that posted information is consistent with theestablished policies and standards. Coordinate and advise requesting departments on issues concerning the contentand presentation of information.• Organize, edit and manage all uploaded web content on MNGHA Portal which include the public site and back-endportal system.• Ensure that the web posting and web updating are processed in line with the established timeframes and policiesand procedures; and that the technical and web content errors and outdated web content are promptly eliminated.• Assist in maintaining the department’s Style Guide on proper display of the web content, accolades and templates.Coordinate and develop the web content stories and ideas with the requesting department to have betterengagement with the target audiences. Correct misspelling, punctuations and syntax errors.• Regularly update MNGHA home page web content as per the MNGHA’s established web standards. Initiate new andup to date ideas for graphics projects and maintain filing systems and backup. Prepare and present reports and othercorrespondences, as required.• Monitors and processes all department related request. Liaise with departmental personnel, internal and externalclients to facilitate communication and required action on behalf of the department.• Receive and consolidate information/reports from subordinate organizational areas. Assist in the preparation ofrouting planning and program rep


دوام كامل